This website is aimed at persons insured in other EU Member States, who are planning to receive health care benefits in Poland. It includes information on Polish health care providers, safety standards regarding treatment and patients’ rights during health care treatment in Poland.

Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council 2011/24/EU of 9 March 2011 on the application of patients' rights in cross-border healthcare, hereinafter referred to as the cross-border directivewas established in order to improve the functioning of one of the basic principles of the united Europe - free movement of services. The cross-border directive was introduced to realise the European Union's actions aiming at ensuring a high level of health care.


wykrzyknikImplementation of the cross-border directive is not tantamount to excluding rights resulting from the provisions on the coordination of social security systems.

In order to obtain detailed information on the rules applicable under the coordination of social security systems, please visit the website of the Polish liaison body, i.e.
Additional information can be obtained from the National Contact Point for Poland is located in Warsaw, at ul. Rakowiecka 26/30 and from particular Regional Branches of the NFZ functioning in particular voivodeships.


wykrzyknikThe cross-border directive provides for a possibility  for the member states to introduce a system of prior authorisation regarding reimbursement of cross-border health care


Detailed rules for reimbursement and the situations requiring prior authorisation for treatment is required can be obtained from your National Contact Point, i.e. the designated point in the country of your insurance or from the competent health insurance institution.